After you place an order, you are able to upload the necessary files required for your project to be printed. You may upload up to six files, though in most cases, you will only need to provide one or two files, typically for the front and back designs of your project. However, certain specialized products or finishes may require additional files to ensure proper setup and high-quality results.
To make the process easier, we offer downloadable templates for each product type. These templates are available on a per-product basis and include detailed specifications such as bleed, safety zones, trim lines, and guidelines for special finishes. Using these templates will help you determine the exact files needed for your project and ensure they are formatted correctly for printing. Access the templates on our website under the product-specific pages.
If you're unsure whether your files meet these requirements, our support team is available to help. Providing accurate, properly formatted files will not only help you avoid additional charges and delays but also ensure a smooth production process and a polished final product.